| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2005
Consolidated Requirements12
The senior emergency response official responding to an
DOE O 151.1A,Chapter III,
emergency shall become the Incident Commander (IC). All
sec. 3.c(1);
emergency responders and their communications shall be
coordinated and controlled through the IC assisted by the
senior official present or by each employer.
The IC shall identify, to the extent possible, all hazardous
29CFR1910.120(q)(3)(ii) and
substances or conditions present and shall address as
appropriate site analysis, use of engineering controls,
maximum exposure limits, hazardous substance handling
procedures, and use of any new technologies. The IC shall
also implement appropriate emergency operations and
assure that the personal protective equipment worn is
appropriate for the hazards encountered.
4.3.4 Employees engaged in emergency response and exposed to
hazardous substances, which present an inhalation hazard
or potential inhalation hazard, shall wear positive pressure
self-contained breathing apparatus while engaged in
emergency response, until such time that the IC determines
through the use of air monitoring that a decreased level of
respiratory protection will not result in hazardous exposures
to employees.
4.3.5 All individuals involved in re-entry shall receive a
DOE O 151.1A, Chapter III,
hazards/safety briefing prior to emergency response
sec. 5.a (1)
activities consistent with Federal, State, and local laws and
4.3.6 The IC shall limit the number of emergency response
personnel at the emergency site, in those areas of potential
or actual exposure to incident or site hazards, to those who
are actively performing emergency operations. However,
operations in hazardous areas shall be performed using the
buddy system in groups of two or more.
4.3.7 Back-up personnel shall be standing by with equipment
ready to provide assistance or rescue. Qualified basic life
support personnel, as a minimum, shall also be standing by
with medical equipment and transportation capability.
4.3.8 The IC shall designate a safety officer, who is
knowledgeable in the operations being implemented at the
emergency response site, with specific responsibility to
identify and evaluate hazards and to provide direction with
respect to the safety of operations for the emergency at
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