| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2005
Consolidated Requirements12
items with recycled content to
100 per cent except when not
available competitively at a
reasonable price or that do not
meet performance standards.
4.6 EPCRA (see definition)
4.6.1 Each owner or operator of a facility who is required
to file an annual toxic chemical release form under
40CFR372.22, "Covered Facilities for Toxic
42 USC 13101;
Chemical Release Reporting"37 shall include a source
42 USC 13106, (a) and (b)
reduction and recycling report for the preceding
calendar year for the toxic chemicals on the report. For each specified toxic chemical meeting
inventory threshold quantity, the source
reduction and recycling report must list:
42 USC 13101;
a) The quantity released into the environment
42 USC 13306, (a) and (b)
and the percentage change from the previous
year (including air emissions, discharge to
water/storm water, land, injection);
b) The quantity transferred offsite in waste (e.g.,
to a Publicly Owned Treatment Works or
Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility)
and the type of treatment or disposal used;
c) The amount of the chemical recycled (at the
facility or elsewhere), the percentage change
from the previous year, and the recycling
process used;
d) The amount of the chemical treated (at the
facility or elsewhere) during the year and the
percentage change from the previous year;
[NOTE: The specific chemical identity of Trade
Secrets may be withheld if the generic class or
category of the hazardous chemical, extremely
hazardous substance, or toxic chemical is
provided in its place.]
4.7 Ozone-Depleting Substances
4.7.1 Contractors shall develop and implement a program
DOE O 450.1, sec. 5.d.(10),
and procedures to maximize the use of safe
CRD 12;
These reporting requirements are threshold driven.
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