| DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2005
Consolidated Requirements12
However, recipients shall be advised of the hazards where levels
of radioactive contamination require specific controls for
shipment as provided in DOT regulations (49CFR171-179) for
shipment of radioactive personal property.
4.9.6 When any contaminated chemical is screened within DOE,
reported to GSA, or otherwise disposed of, the kind and degree
of contamination must be clearly indicated on all relevant
4.9.7 High Risk Personal Property - Excess and surplus chemicals
identified as Nuclear-related, proliferation-sensitive, low level
contaminated property and Classified personal property shall not
be transferred, sold, exchanged, leased, donated, abandoned, or
destroyed without approval of the cognizant DOE program
office. Disposition of such chemicals is subject to the restrictions
contained in applicable sections of the DOE-PMR and FPMR.
4.10 Storage and Handling of Excess or Surplus Chemicals
[NOTE: Chemicals categorized as hazardous materials, extremely
hazardous materials, dangerous property, and hazardous property
require special handling and storage considerations. Requirements
identified in Chapter 5 ("Chemical Storage") of this document
continue to apply for the storage and handling of excess (or surplus)
chemicals while avenues for their disposition are being sought until
the time the chemicals are identified as waste for final disposal.]
5.0 Source Documents
Department of Energy (July 1999), "Guidelines on Export Control and Nonproliferation".
Department of Energy Personal Property Letter, Issue Number 970-3, Revision 1 (Feb. 3, 1998).
Executive Order 12344 (February 3, 1982), "Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program", 47 Federal Register
Federal Standard 123 (or FED-STD-123), "Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)".
Federal Standard 313 (or FED-STD-313), "Material Safety Data, Transportation Data and Disposal
Data for Hazardous Materials Furnished to Government Activities".
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Information Circular (INFCIRC) 254, Part 1 ("Trigger
List") and Part 2 ("Dual-use List").
NFPA 45 (2000), "Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals".
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