| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1184-2004
support decisions regarding individual participation in the individual monitoring program.
See Chapter 3 of this handbook for guidance on the area monitoring program for STCs.
4.2 Air Monitoring for STCs
Should an individual monitoring program be required, a decision must be made regarding
the relative merits of radiobioassay versus application of air monitoring results to determine
individual doses. Generally, radiobioassay is the preferred monitoring method for
assessment of individual internal dose. However, 10 CFR 835.209 allows the use of air
monitoring data under certain conditions, including when air monitoring data will provide
more reliable and accurate results. In many cases (as discussed in the remainder of this
chapter), this condition may exist with exposure to certain types of STCs. For more
information on development and implementation of an air monitoring program for purposes
of individual dose assessment, see DOE G 441.1-8 (DOE 1999b), Air Monitoring Guide,
and DOE-STD-1121-98 (DOE 1999h), Internal Dosimetry.
Historically, insufficient information has been available to facilitate development and
implementation of effective radiobioassay programs for certain insoluble STCs with long
biological retention periods. However, there has been a significant amount of recent
research into such programs, the practical results of which are summarized in this
Air Monitoring - Area Monitoring vs. Individual Monitoring
It is important to differentiate between the purposes and scope of the various facets
of the air monitoring program. Monitoring of the air in any specified area is usually
performed using portable air samplers, fixed head air samplers, or continuous air
monitors. As a facet of the area monitoring program, such monitoring is subject to
the regulatory requirements found in 10 CFR 835.401 and 835.403. Air monitoring
for the purposes of individual dose determination is usually performed using a lapel
(personal) sampler worn by each affected individual. Because a lapel sampler is
worn by, and monitors the breathing zone of a specified individual, the results of
that sample analysis are applicable to that individual. If such monitoring meets the
conditions of 10 CFR 835.209(b) it may be used to monitor individuals for exposure
to internal radiation. The results of such monitoring may be used to meet the
regulatory requirements in 10 CFR 835.401, 835.402(c), and 835.403. Because air
sampling is distinct from bioassay, the requirements in 10 CFR 835.402(d) for
performance accreditation of radiobioassay analysis do not apply to air sampling
Note however, that the results of area monitoring (using portable, fixed head, or
continuous air monitors) may be used for individual dose assessment under certain
conditions (given that assurance can be provided that the sample is representative
of the air actually breathed by the affected individual(s)). See section for
guidance on calculating dose from air sampling measurements.
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