| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1184-2004
7.1 Documents Referenced in the Handbook
ANSI 1992 ANSI (American National Standards Institute), Z88.2 Practices for Repsiratory
Protection, New York, New York, 1992.
ANSI 1999 ANSI N13-1, Sampling and Monitoring Releases of Airborne Radioactive
Substances from Stacks and Ducts of Nuclear Facilities, New York, New York, 1999.
CRC 1973 CRC (Chemical Rubber Company), Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 54th
Edition, CRC Press, 1973.
Cheng 1999a Cheng, Y.S., Wang, Y., and Mulberry, W. Radiation Dosimetry and
Guidelines for Radiation Protection of Hafnium Tritide: Interim Report, Lovelace
Respiratory Research Institute, June 1, 1999.
Cheng 1999b Personal Communication from Y.S. Cheng, Lovelace Respiratory Research
Institute, to C. Miles and J. Gill of Mound, July 1999.
Cristy 1993 Cristy, M and Eckerman, K.F., SEECAL: Program to Calculate Age-
Dependent Specific Effective Energies, ORNL/TM-12351, 1993.
Cool 1983 Cool, D. and Maillie, Dissolution of Tritiated Glass Microballoon Fragments:
Implications for Inhalation Exposure, Health Physics, 45, 1983, pp. 791-794.
DOE 1994 DOE-HDBK-1079-94, Primer on Tritium Safe Handling Practices, dated
December 1994, Washington, D.C.
DOE 1995 DOE RCTP 95-05, Technological Shortfalls and Dose Determination for
Radioactive Material Intakes, U.S. Department of Energy, 1995, Washington, D.C.
DOE 1996a DOE P 450.4, Integrated Safety Management, dated 10-15- 96, Washington,
DOE 1996b DOE-HDBK-1105-96, Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities, dated
December 1996, Washington, D.C.
DOE 1998a 10 CFR Part 835, U.S. Department of Energy Occupational Radiation
Protection, 63 FR 59662, Federal Register, Vol 63, N0 213, dated 11-4-98, Washington
DOE 1998b DOE-STD-1111-98, DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program Administration,
dated December 1998, Washington, D.C.
DOE 1999a DOE G 441.1-3, Internal Dosimetry Program Guide, dated 3-17-99,
Washington D.C.
DOE 1999b DOE G 441.1-8, Air Monitoring Guide, dated 3-17-99, Washington, D.C.
DOE 1999c DOE G 441.1-9, Radiation Safety Training Guide, dated 3-17-99, Washington,
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