| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1184-2004
To calculate internal dose using the various dose conversion factors for ITPs, it is
necessary to estimate the intake of ITPs. Intake of ITPs (I) can be inferred from air
sampling results using equations 5-10 and 5-11. (See DOE-STD 1121-98 for
considerations to be applied when using air sampling results to determine internal
To calculate intake from air sampler measurements use equation 5-10
A F (Bq ) ⋅ BR m 3 / hr
I (Bq ) =
⋅ T E (hr
(Eq 5-10)
FR m / hr ⋅ TC ( hr )
AF is the activity on the filter sample (either observed or actual)
BR is the breathing rate of the worker
FR is the flow rate of the air sampler
TE is the time period the worker was exposed to air containing radioactive
material sampled
TC is the time over which the sampler was operated.
It is important to make sure that TC reflects the time the sampler was
operating in an atmosphere expected to contain STPs. Including periods
when the sampler is not in an STP containing atmosphere in the
determination of TC will tend to reduce the estimated STP concentration
in air and thus, lead to an underestimate of intake.
To calculate intake from personal air sampler measurements use equation 5-11.
A F (Bq ) ⋅ BR m 3 / hr
I (Bq ) =
(Eq 5-11)
FR m 3 / hr
To ensure that intake is not underestimated, the sampler should never be
turned off when a worker is in an atmosphere expected to contain STPs.
Equations 5-10 and 5-11 assume 100% collection efficiency. The filters
used at the Mound Site (Mound 2000) had collection efficiencies that
ranged between 0.981 0.9999 for 0.3 to 10 um particles.
ANSI N13-1(ANSI 1999) contains a table of collection efficiencies for
various types of filters.
Various types of internal doses for STCs can then be calculated from the product of
equations 5-10 or 5-11 and the various DCFs provided in this handbook. For
example, the DCFs in Table 5-14 table can be used to determine the CEDE from
inhalation of ITPs of various sizes and composition using the observed activity on
an air filter. In addition, Appendix A contains DCFs for STPs of density 11.7
gm/cm3 (Hf ) for absorption types S, M, and F and AMADs of 1 and 5 m.
To calculate internal doses (using air sampling results) from inhalation of ITP
species having particle sizes, densities, and compositions that differ from those
cases addressed in this handbook, it will be necessary to obtain appropriate values
for the self absorption factors for beta and energy, as they are not provided in
tables 5-9 and 5-10. The observed air sample activity would then have to be
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