| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1184-2004
Subpart J of 10 CFR 835 establishes regulatory requirements for radiation safety
training for DOE activities. DOE G 441.1-9, Radiation Safety Training Guide,
provides guidance for achieving compliance with these requirements. The training
requirements are generally divided into two levels, depending on the types of
hazards encountered. General Employee Radiological Training is provided to
individuals who enter only the controlled area and receive minimal exposure to
radiation. Radiological Worker Training is provided to individuals who enter
radiological areas or perform radiological work that is likely to result in doses
exceeding 0.1 rem in a year. These requirements are augmented by
10 CFR 835.103, which requires that all individuals who are responsible for
developing and implementing measures necessary for ensuring compliance with
the requirements of 10 CFR Part 835 have the appropriate education, training, and
skills to discharge their responsibilities.
For those activities affected by radiological hazards arising from STCs, General
Employee Radiological Training and Radiological Worker Training should include
material on the following topics, to the extent appropriate for the target audience:
The physical and radiological characteristics of STCs;
Radiological hazards associated with exposure to STCs;
Measures used to monitor (areas and individuals) for STC contamination;
Limits and action levels associated with STCs;
Radiological controls implemented to control the spread of STC contamination;
Special considerations for work planning and execution;
Special warning signs and labels used in areas affected by STCs, and
appropriate responses to those signs and labels;
Any special records or reports associated with STCs that may be generated and
retrieved; and
Appropriate responses to emergency situations involving STCs.
Although members of the public entering the controlled area are subject to the
radiation safety training requirements of 10 CFR 835.901, these requirements may
be met, in part, through provision of an escort or area entry controls to ensure the
individual's safety and compliance with the documented RPP. If members of the
public are granted unescorted access to the controlled area, then radiation safety
training is required. DOE does not expect members of the public to receive any
significant exposure to STCs; therefore, the required training should be augmented
by provisions to identify, and a warning to avoid entering, the affected areas.
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