| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1184-2004
Of the HTO that is absorbed into the bloodstream, 3% is converted to organically
bound tritium (OBT) that is retained in the body with a 40-day half-life and the
remaining 97% remains as HTO and is retained with a 10-day half-life. All of the
OBT is excreted into the urinary bladder and ultimately the urine. HTO is excreted
from the systemic compartment in the following ratios:
1.4/3 fraction to the urinary bladder and ultimately the urine;
0.1/3 fraction to ULI and ultimately the feces; and
1.5/3 fraction to other systemic excreta (e.g., "insensible losses" and sweat).
These ratios are derived from the ICRP 23 (ICRP 1975) Reference Man water
Urinary and Fecal Excretion Functions
Urinary and fecal excretion are expressed as 24-hour incremental quantities. For
example, the 24-hour incremental urinary excretion ∆Eu(t) of tritium (not accounting
for radioactive decay) at t days after intake is given by
∆E u (t ) = Qu (t ) - Qu (t - 1)
(Eq. 5-1)
where Qu(t) is the content of the urine compartment at time t and Qu(t-1) is the
content of the urine compartment one day earlier. The 24-hour incremental urinary
excretion of tritium that does not account for radioactive decay is adjusted for
radioactive decay to give the incremental excretion of tritium ∆eu(t)
∆eu(t) = ∆Eu(t)e-?t
(Eq. 5-2)
Urinary excretion of tritium following an intake of HTO is typically expressed as the
concentration of radioactivity per unit volume of urine such as Ci/L, based on the
assumption that the concentration of HTO is the same in all body fluids. The
presence of the OBT compartment in the ICRP 78 model precludes this approach
and warrants the use of 24-hour incremental urinary excretion functions.
Incremental fecal excretion is calculated in an analogous fashion. A detailed
example of how to calculate urinary and fecal excretion is given in Appendix B.
The Respiratory Tract Biokinetic Model
The ICRP respiratory tract model is rather complex and is discussed in great detail
in ICRP Publication 66. A brief overview is provided here as an introduction to the
model. The respiratory tract model is composed of five major components:
anatomical model;
deposition model;
particle mechanical clearance model;
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