| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. Provisions relating to organization and management,
procedures, recordkeeping, assessment, and reporting necessary to ensure safe operation of a
facility. [10 CFR 830.3]
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS. Provisions relating to organization and management,
procedures, record keeping, assessment, and reporting necessary to ensure safe operation of a
facility. With respect to nuclear facilities administrative controls means the section of the
Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs) containing provisions for safe operation of a facility
including (1) requirements for reporting violations of TSRs, (2) staffing requirements important
to safe operations, and (3) commitments to the safety management programs and procedures
identified in the Safety Analysis Report as necessary elements of the facility safety basis
provisions. [DOE G 450.4-1B] [First sentence only, 10 CFR 830.3]
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE. An Administrative Law Judge appointed under 5 U.S.C.
3105. [10 CFR 820.2]
ADMINISTRATIVE LIMITS. Those procedural limits, self-imposed by the contractor,
relating to nuclear safety. These limits are generally more restrictive and specific than externally
imposed limits by Federal, State, or other entities. [DOE O 5480.30] [EH62dd1]
Radioactive material dispersed in the air in the form of dusts, fumes, particulates, mists, vapors,
or gases. [10 CFR 835.2]
AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY AREA. Any area, accessible to individuals, where:
The concentration of airborne radioactivity, above natural background, exceeds or is likely
to exceed the derived air concentration (DAC) values listed in appendix A or appendix C of
this part; or
An individual present in the area without respiratory protection could receive an intake
exceeding 12 DAC-hours in a week. [10 CFR 835.2]
ALARA. "As Low As is Reasonably Achievable,'' which is the approach to radiation
protection to manage and control exposures (both individual and collective) to the work force
and to the general public to as low as is reasonable, taking into account social, technical,
economic, practical, and public policy considerations. ALARA is not a dose limit but a process
which has the objective of attaining doses as far below the applicable limits of 10 CFR 835 as is
reasonably achievable. [10 CFR 835.2]
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