| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
DEACTIVATION. Placing a facility in a stable and known condition including the removal of
hazardous and radioactive materials to ensure adequate protection of the worker, public health
and safety, and the environment, thereby limiting the long-term cost of surveillance and
maintenance. Actions include the removal of fuel, draining and/or deenergizing nonessential
systems, removal of stored radioactive and hazardous materials, and related actions.
Deactivation does not include all decontamination necessary for the dismantlement and
demolition phase of decommissioning, e.g., removal of contamination remaining in the fixed
structures and equipment after deactivation. [DOE O 430.1B]
DECLARED PREGNANT WORKER. A woman who has voluntarily declared to her
employer, in writing, her pregnancy for the purpose of being subject to the occupational
exposure limits to the embryo/fetus as provided in 835.206. This declaration may be revoked,
in writing, at any time by the declared pregnant worker. [10 CFR 835.2]
DECOMMISSIONING. Takes place after deactivation and includes surveillance and
maintenance, decontamination, and/or dismantlement. These actions are taken at the end of the
life of a facility to retire it from service with adequate regard for the health and safety of workers
and the public and protection of the environment. The ultimate goal of decommissioning is
unrestricted release or restricted use of the site. [DOE O 430.1A] [DOE G 433.1-1]
DECOMMISSIONING. The process of closing and securing a nuclear facility or nuclear
materials storage facility to provide adequate protection from radiation exposure and to isolate
radioactive contamination from the human environment. It takes place after deactivation and
includes surveillance, maintenance, decontamination, and/or dismantlement. These actions are
taken at the end of the life of a facility to retire it from service with adequate regard for the
health and safety of workers and the public and protection of the environment. The ultimate
goal of decommissioning is unrestricted release or restricted use of the site. [DOE O 430.1B]
DECONTAMINATION. The removal or reduction of residual radioactive and hazardous
materials by mechanical, chemical or other techniques to achieve a stated objective or end
condition. [DOE O 430.1B] [DOE G 433.1-1]
DEEP DOSE EQUIVALENT. The dose equivalent derived from external radiation at a depth
of 1 cm in tissue. (See Committed Dose Equivalent, Committed Effective Dose Equivalent,
Cumulative Total Effective Dose Equivalent, Dose Equivalent, Effective Dose Equivalent, Lens
of the Eye Dose Equivalent, and Total Effective Dose Equivalent) [10 CFR 835.2]
DEFECTIVE ITEM, MATERIAL, OR SERVICE. Includes any item, material, or service that
does not meet the commercial standard or procurement requirements as defined in catalogues,
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