| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
DOE CONTRACTOR. Any entity under contract with DOE (or its subcontractor) that has
responsibility for performing beryllium activities at DOE facilities. [10 CFR 850.3]
DOE ELEMENTS. First tier organizations at Headquarters and in the field. Field Elements
include all operations offices, field offices, energy technology centers, and power marketing
administrations. [ DOE G 433.1-1]
DOE ELEMENTS. First tier organizations at Headquarters and in the field (field includes all
operations offices and field offices including site offices, service centers, and energy technology
centers). [DOE O 430.1B]
DOE FACILITY REPRESENTATIVE. For each major facility or group of lesser facilities, an
individual assigned responsibility by the Head of the Field Element for monitoring the
performance of the facility and its operations. This individual shall be the primary point of
contact with the contractor and will be responsible to the appropriate DOE Program Office and
field elements for implementing the requirements of this Order. [DOE O 5480.19 Chg 2]
DOE FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM. Those fire protection requirements, hardware,
administrative controls, procedures, guidelines, plans, personnel, analyses, and technical criteria
that comprehensively ensure that DOE objectives relating to fire safety are achieved. [DOE O
5480.7A] [EH62dd1]
DOE NUCLEAR SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. The set of enforceable rules, regulations, or
orders relating to nuclear safety adopted by DOE (or by another Agency if DOE specifically
identifies the rule, regulation, or order) to govern the conduct of persons in connection with any
DOE nuclear activity and includes any programs, plans, or other provisions intended to
implement these rules, regulations, orders, a Nuclear Statute or the Act, including technical
specifications and operational safety requirements for DOE nuclear facilities. For purposes of
the assessment of civil penalties, the definition of DOE Nuclear Safety Requirements is limited to
those identified in 10 CFR 820.20(b). [10 CFR 820.2]
DOE OFFICIAL. The person, or his designee, in charge of making a decision under 10 CFR
820. [10 CFR 820.2]
DOE REPRESENTATIVE. A DOE employee or authorized contractor designated by the
appropriate Senior Executive level management office (Headquarters, or Field) (1) to work on
standards committee assignments by reason of individual professional or technical expertise to
further technical programmatic objectives of the Department; or (2) to serve as official
spokesperson for the Department on boards of directors governing as policy-developing
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