| DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
EMPLOYEE CONCERNS REVIEW PANEL. A panel of DOE employees and specialized
consultants (when appropriate) designated by the Field Office Manager and selected by the
Employee Concerns Manager (ECM) for evaluation of specific concerns received by the ECM.
[DOE O 5480.29] [EH62dd1]
EMPLOYEE EXPOSURE. The exposure of an employee to an airborne contaminant (as
measured in the breathing zone by personal monitoring), hazardous physical agent, or harmful
biological agent which would occur without correction for the protection provided by any
respirator or other personal protective equipment that is in use. [DOE O 5480.10A (Draft)]
EMS AUDIT. A systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and
evaluating evidence to determine whether an organization's environmental management system
conforms to the environmental management system audit criteria set by the organization, and for
communication of the results of this process to management. [DOE G 450.1-1]
ENCLOSED VESTIBULE. A non-air-tight antechamber with an outer and anterior door for
safe access through confinement barriers. The antechamber limits the air flow across
confinement barriers. [EH62dd1]
ENCLOSURE. A primary confinement system such as process systems, glove boxes,
conveyors, hot cells, and canyons. [DOE O 6430.1A]
ENERGIZED. Electrically connected to or having a source of voltage. [IEEE 1584-2002]
[NFPA 70E]
ENERGIZED (alive, live): Electrically connected to a source of potential difference, or
electrically charged so as to have a potential significantly different from that of earth in the
vicinity. [DOE-HDBK-1092-2004]
ENERGY. The capacity to do work. Energy exists in many forms, including acoustic,
potential, electrical, kinetic, thermal, biological, chemical and radiation (both ionizing and non-
ionizing). [DOE G 225.1A-1]
ENERGY FLOW. The transfer of energy from its source to some other point. There are two
types of energy flows: wanted (controlled--able to do work) and unwanted (uncontrolled--able
to do harm). [DOE G 225.1A-1]
ENFORCEMENT ADJUDICATION. The portion of the enforcement process that
commences when a respondent requests an on-the-record adjudication of the assessment of a
civil penalty and terminates when a Presiding Officer files an initial decision. [10 CFR 820.2]
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