| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
FLASH HAZARD ANALYSIS. A study investigating a worker's potential exposure to arc-
flash energy, conducted for the purpose of injury prevention and the determination of safe work
practices and the appropriate levels of personal protective equipment. [NFPA 70E]
FLASH PROTECTION BOUNDARY. An approach limit at a distance from exposed live
parts within which a person could receive a second degree burn if an electrical arc flash were to
occur. [NFPA 70E]
FLASH SUIT. A complete flame resistant clothing and equipment system that covers the entire
body, except for the hands and feet. This includes pants, jacket, and bee-keeper-type hood
fitted with a face shield. [NFPA 70E]
"FLOOR-LEVEL" PROCEDURES. Detailed instructions used by technicians, researchers,
and other workers to directly accomplish work activities or tasks. [DNFSB mandated] [DOE
G 450.4-1B]
FULL-SCOPE SIMULATOR. A simulator incorporating detailed modeling of systems of the
reference facility with which the operator interface in the control room environment. The control
room operating consoles are included. Such a simulator demonstrates expected facility
response to normal and abnormal conditions. [DOE Glossary and DOE O 5480.20A]
FUNCTION. An action or activity undertaken by a DOE employee in performing or
contributing to performance of work in compliance with component 3 of DOE P 450.4,
SAFTY MANAGEMENT POLICY. This component defines five core functions for
integrated safety management, each of which includes several derivative functions which are to
be applied with a degree of rigor appropriate to the type of activity and hazards involved.
[DOE M 411.1-1B]
FUNCTION. The capability of structures, systems, and components to perform their intended
mission. Maintaining function after a natural phenomena hazard (NPH) occurrence is required
by DOE O 4330.4A for structures, systems, and components important to safety, and to
minimize property losses based on cost benefit considerations. Maintaining function such that -
programmatic objectives are achieved is not required by this Order, but is commonly a goal for
NPH design and evaluation. [EH62dd1]
FUNCTIONAL UNIT. A logical and systematic group of property that is necessary to
support the site mission. A functional unit must be described in a breakdown structure for each
site in order that it be properly identified and managed. Functional units will vary in size and
scope within sites and from site to site, depending on the type or types of activities being carried
out. A functional unit will often comprise a total facility (e.g., laboratory, production plant, or
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