| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
NON-GOVERNMENT STANDARDS BODY (NGSB). A national or international
scientific, technical, or professional, industry, or other organization, society, or association not
organized for profit that conducts standardization activities and develops, establishes, or
coordinates, non-government standards. [DOE O 1300.2A]
NON-GOVERNMENT STANDARDS BODY SUPPORT. The types of support included
1) Direct financial support (e.g., sustaining membership, grants, and contracts);
2) Technical support (e.g., cooperative testing for standards evaluation and participation of
DOE representatives in the activities of standards-developing groups);
3) Administrative support (e.g., travel costs associated with meetings, hosting of meetings,
and secretarial functions);
4) Planning support (e.g., joint planning with non-government standards bodies to facilitate
a coordinated effort); and
5) Other funding support (e.g., travel funds and per diem costs for qualified consumer
participation when such participation will improve the development of a standard).
[DOE O 1300.2A] [EH62dd1]
NONREACTOR NUCLEAR FACILITY. Those facilities, activities or operations that
involve, or will involve, radioactive and/or fissionable materials in such form and quantity that a
nuclear or a nuclear explosive hazard potentially exists to workers, the public, or the
environment, but does not include accelerators and their operations and does not include
activities involving only incidental use and generation of radioactive materials or radiation such as
check and calibration sources, use of radioactive sources in research and experimental and
analytical laboratory activities, electron microscopes, and X-ray machines. [10 CFR 830.3]
[DOE G 433.1-1]
NONREACTOR NUCLEAR FACILITY. An operational area (e.g., building, holding,
storage, or disposal area) dedicated to activities or operations (handling, storing, or
transporting) that involve radioactive or fissionable materials, or both, in such form and quantity
that a nuclear hazard potentially exists to the employees or the general public. Included are
activities or operations that:
A. Produce, process, or store radioactive liquid or solid waste, fissionable materials, or tritium;
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