| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
OPERATIONAL SAFETY REQUIREMENT. See Technical Safety Requirement definition.
[DOE O 5480.20A] [EH62dd1]
OPERATIONAL READINESS REVIEW. A disciplined, systematic, documented,
performance based examination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and
management control systems to ensure that a facility will be operated safely within its approved
safety envelope as defined by the facility safety basis. The Operational Readiness Review
scope is defined based on the specifics of the facility and/or the reason for the shutdown as
related to a minimum set of core requirements. A graded approach will be used in defining the
depth of the Operational Readiness Review based on these core requirements. [DOE O
5480.31] [EH62dd1]
OPERATIONAL READINESS REVIEW BREADTH. The set of core requirements which
will be evaluated by the Operational Readiness Review team during conduct of the Operational
Readiness Review. [DOE O 5480.31] [EH62dd1]
OPERATIONAL READINESS REVIEW DEPTH. The level of analysis, documentation,
and/or actions necessary to evaluate an applicable core requirement. [ DOE O 5480.31]
developed by the Operational Readiness Review team describing the specifics of the approach,
methodology and reporting requirements of the Operational Readiness Review. [DOE O
5480.31] [EH62dd1]
OPERATIONAL READINESS REVIEW SCOPE. The overall magnitude of the Operational
Readiness Review as defined by the breadth of core requirements selected and the depth of
evaluation of these core requirements during conduct of the Operational Readiness Review.
[DOE O 5480.31] [EH62dd1]
ORDERS. DOE Orders, part of the DOE directives system, are the prevailing means by which
DOE identifies management objectives which are requirements for DOE personnel and, when
incorporated into contracts, requirements for DOE contractors. Most DOE nuclear safety
Orders are in the process of being superseded by regulations. Orders on nuclear safety will
continue to be upgraded and issued on an interim basis since the rulemaking process can be
lengthy. [EH62dd1]
ORIGINATOR. The DOE, contractor, or subcontractor employee who originates the
employee concerns. [DOE O 5480.29] [EH62dd1]
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