| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
RISK. The quantitative or qualitative expression of possible loss that considers both the
probability that a hazard will cause harm and the consequences of that event. [DOE O
RISK-INFORMED. Using knowledge of the risk. [DOE G 450.4-1B]
ROOT CAUSE. The determination of the causal factors preceding structures, systems, and
components (SSC) failure or malfunction - that is, discovery of the principal reason why the
failure or malfunction happened leads to the identification of the root cause. The preceding
failure or malfunction causal factors are always events or conditions that are necessary and
sufficient to produce or contribute to the unwanted results (failure or malfunction). The types of
causal factors are: (1) direct causes, (2) contributing causes, and (3) root causes. The direct
cause is the immediate event or condition that caused the failure or malfunction. Contributing
causes are conditions or events that collectively increase the likelihood of the failure or
malfunction, but that individually do not cause them. Thus, root causes are events or conditions
that, if corrected or eliminated, would prevent the recurrence of the failure or malfunction by
identifying and correcting faults (often hidden) before an SSC fails or malfunctions. [DOE G
ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS. Any methodology that identifies the causal factors that, if
corrected, would prevent recurrence of the accident. [DOE G 225.1A-1]
ROUTINE OPERATION. Routine operation of an accelerator commences at that point where
DOE authorization has been granted either (1) because the commissioning effort is sufficiently
complete to provide confidence that the risks are both understood and acceptable and the
operation has appropriate safety bounds, or (2) to permit the reintroduction of a particle beam
after being directed to cease operation by DOE because of an environmental, safety, or health
concern. [DOE 0 5480.25 cancelled, DOE G 420.2-1]
SAFETY ANALYSIS. A documented process:
A. to provide systematic identification of hazards within a given DOE operation;
B. to describe and analyze the adequacy of the measures taken to eliminate, control, or
mitigate identified hazards; and
C. to analyze and evaluate potential accidents and their associated risks.
[DOE O 5480.30]
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