| DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
SAFETY EVALUATION REPORT (SER). A DOE document that describes the extent and
detail of DOE review of a Safety Analysis Report (SAR) or equivalent analysis report, the
bases for approving the SAR (or equivalent), and any conditions of SAR (or equivalent)
approval. Approval signifies that DOE has accepted the analysis as appropriately documenting
the safety basis of a facility and as serving as the basis for operational controls necessary to
maintain an acceptable operating safety envelope. (See Final Safety Analysis Report,
Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis, Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Safety Analysis
Report, Safety Basis, and Safety Evaluation) [DNFSB mandated] [DOE G 450.4-1B]
SAFETY/IMPLEMENTATION GUIDES. DOE Safety and implementation guides, part of
the DOE directives system, are issued to provide supplemental information regarding the
Department's expectations on specific provisions of Orders and regulations and may identify
acceptable methods for implementing those provisions. Guides may identify acceptable
implementation of requirements by referencing Government or non-Government standards.
Safety and implementation guides are not substitutes for regulations or Orders. Although these
guides must be considered in establishing the safety basis for a facility, reasonable opportunity
must always be given to demonstrate compliance by actions other than those set forth in the
guide. If an action in a DOE guide is included explicitly in a contract or a plan required by a
contract or DOE regulation, then an enforceable obligation may be created. [DOE N
1321.138] [EH62dd1]
SAFETY LIMITS. The limits on process variables associated with those safety class physical
barriers, generally passive, that are necessary for the intended facility function and that are
required to guard against the uncontrolled release of radioactive materials. [10 CFR 830.3]
SAFETY LIMIT (SL). A limit on process variables associated with those physical barriers,
generally passive, that are necessary for the intended facility function and which are found to be
required to guard against the uncontrolled release of radioactive or other hazardous materials.
[DOE O 5480.22]
SAFETY MANAGEMENT FUNCTION. An activity that may beneficially affect the safety
and health of workers or the public or the protection of the environment. [DOE P 450.4][DOE
M 411.1-1B]
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. A program designed to ensure to facility is
operated in a manner that adequately protects workers, the public, and the environment by
covering a topic such as: quality assurance; maintenance of safety systems; personnel training;
conduct of operations; inadvertent criticality protection; emergency preparedness; fire
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