| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR. A person certified by contractor nuclear facility
management to operate and direct the operation of a DOE-owned reactor. [DOE O
SERVICE. The performance of work, such as design, manufacturing, construction, fabrication,
assembly, documentation, environmental, restoration, waste management, laboratory sample
analysis, inspection, nondestructive examination/testing, environmental qualification, equipment
qualification, repair, installation, or the like. [10 CFR 830.3]
SERVICE CONDITIONS. Environmental, loading, power, and signal conditions expected as
a result of normal operating requirements, expected extremes (abnormal) in operating
requirements, and postulated conditions appropriate for the design basis events of the facility.
[DOE O 5480.EIA] [EH62dd1]
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT. Actual physical states, environment, or influences that exist
during the service life of a system, structure, or component. [EH62dd1]
SHALL, SHOULD, AND MAY. Shall is used to denote a requirement; should is used to
denote a recommendation; and may is used to denote permission, neither a requirement nor a
recommendation. [DOE O 5480.20A] [EH62dd1]
SHALLOW DOSE EQUIVALENT. The dose equivalent deriving from external radiation at a
depth of 0.007 cm in tissue. [10 CFR 835.2]
SHIFT SUPERVISOR. A certified person in the operating organization designated by
contractor facility management to direct operations-related activities of personnel at a DOE-
owned reactor or nonreactor nuclear facility. Substitute titles may be used for positions of
equivalent functions. [DOE O 5480.20A]
SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISOR (STA). A person who has been assigned to provide on-shift
advice and counsel to shift operating personnel to help determine cause and mitigation of facility
accidents. [DOE O 5480.20A]
SHIPMENT. Any offsite transportation of any materials and equipment, involving activities
such as packaging, loading, marking and labeling and placarding, where applicable; cargo
securement; preparation of shipping documents; and tendering the package to the carrier or
transporter. [DOE G 460.2-1]
SHIPPER. The entity (or its agent) that tenders a shipment for transportation. The term
includes persons who prepare packages for shipment, and offer packages to a carrier for
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