| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY. A system intended to provide a continuous source
of power, without delay or transients, upon degradation of failure of the normal source of
power. [DOE-STD-3003-2000]
UNIQUE IDENTIFIERS. The part of a paired set of labels, used in records that contain
confidential information, that does not identify individuals except by using the matching label. [10
CFR 850.3]
UNIRRADIATED ENRICHED URANIUM (UEU). Naturally occurring uranium enriched
with U-235 above its natural abundance of approximately 0.72 percent (weight percent) that
has not been exposed to a neutron flux. [DOE O 6430.1A]
UNPLANNED SHUTDOWN. An unplanned facility shutdown for any cause, such as
equipment malfunction, personal error, or onshift operator response to indications of an
unsatisfactory situation, or a situation that would have had unsafe consequences without
shutdown. Also, an unplanned shutdown directed by contractor management, local DOE
officials, or by Headquarters. [DOE O 5480.31] [EH62dd1]
UNQUALIFIED PERSON. A person who is not a qualified person. [NFPA 70E]
UNREVIEWED SAFETY ISSUE (USI). A USI [for an Accelerator Facility] exists if a
proposed change, modification, or experiment will either: (1) significantly increase the
probability of occurrence (through reduction in the margin of safety or otherwise) or the
consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety from that
evaluated previously by safety analysis; or (2) introduce an accident or malfunction of a different
type than any evaluated previously by safety analysis which could result in significant
consequences. [DOE 0 5480.25 cancelled, DOE G 420.2-1]
A. The probability of the occurrence or the consequences of an accident or the malfunction
of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the documented safety analysis
could be increased;
B. The possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type than any
previously in the documented safety analysis could be created;
C. A margin of safety could be reduced; or
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