| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas (e.g., sloughs, potholes, wet
meadows, river overflow areas, mudflats, natural ponds). [10 CFR 1022.4 ]
Jurisdictional wetlands are those wetlands protected by the Clean Water Act. They must have a
minimum of one positive wetland indicator from each parameter (i.e., vegetation, soil, and hydrology).
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requires a permit to fill or dredge jurisdictional wetlands. [COE]
180. WHOLE-BODY DOSE. The dose resulting from exposing the entire body to radiation. [Derived
from NRC Glossary]
181. WIND ROSE. A circular diagram showing, for a specific location, the percentage of the time the
wind is from each compass direction. A wind rose for use in assessing consequences of airborne
releases also shows the frequency of different wind speeds for each compass direction. [Derived
from GLM]
182. X-RAYS. Penetrating electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength much shorter than that of visible
light. X-rays are identical to gamma rays, but originate outside the nucleus, either when the inner
orbital electrons of an excited atom return to their normal state or when a metal target is bombarded
with high-speed electrons. [Derived from HPRH, NCRP 65]
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