| DOE-HDBK-1188-2006
669. WORK FOR OTHERS. The performance of work for non-DOE entities by DOE/contractor
personnel and/or the utilization of DOE facilities that is not directly funded by DOE
appropriations. [ISMA Guide]
WORK PERFORMANCE. The act of performing work. [DOE G 450.4-1B]
WORK PERFORMED ON-SITE. Work performed within the boundaries of a DOE-owned
or leased facility. However, work will not be considered to be formed "on-site" when
pursuant to the contract it is the only work performed within the boundaries of a DOE-owned or
leased facility, and it is ancillary to the primary purpose of the contract (e.g., on-site delivery of
goods produced off-site). [10 CFR 708.2]
672. WORK PLANNING. The process of planning a defined task or activity. Addressing safety as
an integral part of work planning includes execution of the safety-related functions in preparation
for performance of a scope of work. These functions include (1) definition of the scope of work,
(2) formal analysis of the hazards bringing to bear in an integrated manner specialists in both
ES&H and engineering depending on specific hazards identified, (3) identification of resulting
safety controls including safety structures, systems and components, and other safety-related
commitments to address the hazards, and (4) approval of the safety controls. [DNFSB
mandated] [DOE G 450.4-1B]
673. WORKING DISTANCE. The dimension between the possible arc point and the head and
body of the worker positioned in place to perform the assigned task. [IEEE 1584-2002]
674. WORKING NEAR (live parts): Any activity inside a LIMITED APPROACH BOUNDARY.
[NFPA 70E]
675. YEAR. The period of time beginning on or near January 1 and ending on or near December 31
of that same year used to determine compliance with the provisions of 10 CFR 835. The starting
and ending date of the year used to determine compliance may be changed provided that the
change is made at the beginning of the year and that no day is omitted or duplicated in
consecutive years. [10 CFR 835.2]
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