| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3012-2003
Unescorted and unrestricted access to the facility is essential to effectively complete the review. This
will require some investment of time and money in the preparation process. Get agreement, during
development of the ORR plans, between the facility contractor and the Department of Energy on the
details of the operations that are available for demonstration. Cold runs, partial simulations, and full
walkthroughs are options, but an effort must be made to achieve a demonstration as close as possible
to actual operations as allowed by the current restrictions of the shutdown.
Obtain and review the documented results of the contractor ORR/RA, including corrective action
plans and evidence files documenting corrective action taken. Copies of corrective action
documentation need to be readily available to the DOE ORR/RA team. Corrective action closure
packages should be prepared in accordance with DOE-STD-3006-2000, Section 5.7.3.
Give consideration to requiring the contractor to deliver a completed set of surveillance procedures
and authorization basis documents to the team leader as a prerequisite to the ORR/RA.
Ensure that records, plans, and other documentation requested by the ORR/RA team are readily
available, preferably in a central location. A review several days in advance of the ORR/RA should
be used to verify that what was requested is really there. In addition, this will reinforce the
importance of the information requests by the individual team members.
Conduct a training session prior to the ORR/RA or no later than the beginning of the review process
to communicate the expectations and deliverables required of the team. Format, content, and style
(how to use and fill out) of Forms 1 (Assessment Forms), of Forms 2 (Deficiency Forms), and
functional area summaries should be discussed to eliminate a compounding of the administrative
load as the review progresses. Acceptable samples of these deliverables should be provided to all
the team members prior to the start of the review. This handbook provides explicit instructions on
the use of the forms, and the team leader can use this to provide training to the team. The technical
editor or the Review Coordinator should be equally aware of the requirements and could conduct the
Advise site personnel as soon as an issue starts to be identified. The use of a draft Form 2 may be a
method to clearly state the issue. Be sure that it is understood that the forms are draft documents
(and should be marked as such) to avoid confusion or drawing of premature conclusions. Providing
these forms to the site provides them an opportunity to produce further information that may clarify
the issue and creates an air of openness that will contribute favorably to the review.
Specify requirements for Emergency Preparedness or facility drills prior to the start of the ORR/RA.
Detailed guidance on drill expectations, e.g., type of drill, desired preconditions, scenario
requirements, etc., should be provided to the facility prior to the ORR/RA.
Ensure that site personnel understand fully the conditions that needed to be simulated during each
drill and performance demonstration. All documentation such as Radiological Work Permits, Work
Procedures, etc., must reflect the simulated condition.
Define, during the preparation phase, the role, authority and responsibilities of the ORR team when
it is monitoring the conduct of an emergency exercise or drill. The ORR team must not disrupt the
flow of the exercise. The ORR team is evaluating both the facility and the emergency preparedness
training organization and drill control. These roles, authority and responsibilities require definition
and must be fully understood by the facility managers.
Evaluate whether the contractor ORR/RA ensures the integration of equipment operability,
procedure viability, and training of the operators in a performance-based methodology. Additionally,
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