| DOE-HDBK-3012-2003
This Department of Energy handbook, Guide to Good Practices for Conducting Operational
Readiness Reviews (ORR) Team Leader's Handbook, is approved for use by all DOE Components
and their contractors.
The guidance in this document is the distillation of the experience and lessons learned during numerous
operational readiness reviews contributed by team leaders with a wide range of backgrounds. There are
many ways to perform a readiness review correctly. Each review will be conducted at a unique facility
and will involve a unique team. Every team leader will learn something new during each review. In
some cases, these new lessons will conflict with the advice provided in this document. Such lessons
learned and all other beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data
that may improve this document should be submitted to the EH ORR web site: http://tis.eh.doe.gov/ORR.
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