| DOE-HDBK-3012-2003
IE-P11, Revision B, Secondary Intermediate Evaporator Product Stor Tanks F-5401 A-C, 9/23/02
IE-P12, Revision B, Secondary Intermediate Evaporator Product Stor Tanks
F-5401 D-F, 6/25/02
IE-P13, Revision 0, Intermediate Evaporator Cabinets Instrument Air Headers and Power Supply,
IE-P14, Revision 0, Intermediate Evaporator Bubbler and Blowdown Air Supply, 5/1/02
WFE-P1, Revision D, Wiped-film Evaporator - Evaporator C-330A Process System Diagram,
WFE-P2, Revision B, Dated 1/27/03, Wiped-film Evaporator - Stillwell and Control Cabinet Process
System Diag.
WFE-P3, Revision C, Wiped-film Evaporator - F-330A Product Tank Process System Diag., 1/27/03
Interviews Conducted:
Technical Support Manager
System Engineer for the Oxide Dissolver Process
System Engineer In-training for the Oxide Dissolver Process
System Engineer for the Primary Extraction Process
System Engineer for the Intermediate Evaporators Process
System Engineer for the Secondary Extraction Process
System Engineer for the Wipe-Film Evaporator Process
System Engineer for the Denitrator Process
XXX Configuration Management Manager
Facility Technical Support Representative
Restart System Engineering Supervisor
ET&I Electrician
Unreviewed Safety Question Determination Manager
Operations Supervisor
Facility Safety Manager
Instrument Engineers (2)
Shift Performance Evolutions:
Walkdown of Intermediate Evaporators System
Walkdown of Primary Extraction System
Denitrator High Temperature Interlock Surveillance
Secondary Extraction System Contactor Speed Adjustment
Management Review of Uncontrolled Change to Denitrator
Discussion of Results:
Record Review: The Intermediate Evaporator system was walked down against system drawings,
including hardware, piping, labeling, and design features. Parts of the Primary and Secondary Extraction
Systems and the Denitrator system were also walked down. There was excellent consistency between the
physical configuration and the facility documentation. Safety design features were generally noted on the
Process System Diagrams (PSDs). Component labeling was excellent. A small number of safety design
features that could use improved notation on the PSDs for configuration management purposes were noted.
Minor editorial differences between control panel labels and the PSD for the Denitrator were noted.
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