| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3012-2003
DATE: 2/4/03
YES______ NO
CM-1 Safety structures, systems and components (SSC) are defined and a system to maintain control over
their design and modification is implemented. The Wet Chemistry Operations systems and procedures, as
affected by facility modifications, are consistent with the facility description and accident analysis
included in the safety basis Modifications to the Wet Chemistry Operations have been reviewed for
potential impact on training and qualification. (CORE REQUIREMENT 5, 7 and 9)
1. An adequate process has been implemented to ensure that documentation for SSC critical to the safety
of Wet Chemistry Operations exist and is kept current, as appropriate for safety functions and that
necessary documentation is available to management, operators, and support personnel (DOE-STD-
1073-93, Ch. I.3; DOE Order 5480.19 Ch. II, Section VIII; DOE O 430.1, Sect. 6.f. (4); RUID 9663)
2. Drawings and documentation relied upon for operations and maintenance activities are consistent with
the existing configuration of Wet Chemistry Operations. Technical baselines for the XXX Wet
Chemistry processes have been defined in accordance with Y17-009INS and accurately reflect the as
configured status, including isolated out-of service equipment. (DOE-STD-1073-93, Ch. 1.3; DOE O
4330.4B, Ch. I.3.6.4f; RUID 9859)
3. Wet Chemistry Operations' safety systems are consistent with the assumptions and descriptions in the
safety basis. (10 CFR 830.200)
4. Each SSC should be assigned a grade based on the most important type of design requirements
applicable to it. The SSC grade should be used as the basis for the degree of control of all activities
associated with the SSC. (DOE-STD-1073-93,
Ch. I.3.1.1; RUID 9661)
5. The Unreviewed Safety Question Determinations (USQD) or USQD screenings are implemented per
Y74-809 for the identification and disposition of modifications in support of Wet Chemistry
Operations. (10 CFR 830.200)
Record Review: Review the documentation to ensure modifications conducted on Wet Chemistry
Operations' equipment since the 1994 stand-down have been accomplished consistent with Y15-187 or its
equivalent predecessors (a listing of modifications to Wet Chemistry Operations) during the stand-down is
contained in the BWXT Y-12, L.L.C. Plan of Action, Y/MA-7827. Review the Building 9212 BIO and
OSR for the Wet Chemistry Operations to ensure they are consistent with the physical facility
Determine if the equipment and systems, as described, are part of the technical baselines for Wet
Chemistry processes in accordance with Y17-009INS. Determine whether appropriate process
descriptions exist, whether these process descriptions describe the isolation of Wet Chemistry Operations
from out of service equipment, and that these conditions are under configuration control. Determine
whether any in-progress modifications essential to permit operation of the Wet Chemistry processes exist
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