| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3012-2003
Advise the Review Coordinator of dates and agenda for the pre-visit.
Initiate the process of selecting team members to support the ORR as soon as possible.
Team Selection: The importance of this task cannot be overemphasized. No other task has such a direct
impact on the overall quality of the ORR. The Team Leader selects and organizes the pre-visit and ORR
teams. Additional guidance on team selection can be found in sections 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 of the ORR
Standard, DOE-STD-3006-2000. Guidelines for completing the process follow:
Candidates may be obtained from any independent sources within DOE or from contractors not
directly responsible for the oversight or operation of the facility under review. Previous Team
Leaders are valuable resources in reviewing the past performance of team members. The specific
scope of the ORR will be specified in the POA. The areas to be reviewed normally include:
Operations, Maintenance, Training, Documented Safety Analysis or other safety basis
implementation, Engineering Support, Environmental Safety and Health, Emergency Preparedness,
Radiation Protection, Occupational Health and Industrial Safety, Management, Fire Protection, and
Quality Assurance. Additional areas for consideration could include Safeguards and Security,
Procedures, Testing, Procurement, Packaging and Transportation, Design, Construction, Management
Systems, and Project Management. Other areas reviewed can include, if appropriate, configuration
management, criticality safety, and DOE management (in the DOE ORR).
Team members must have technical experience in their area of review. They must also have
assessment experience and be familiar with the facility/process in question. Typically, familiarization
with the facility/process is gained during the pre-visit. Experience has shown that under normal
circumstances, no team member should be assigned more than two CRADs. This may require
additional team members, which is warranted since it ensures a thorough review is conducted. More
team members ensure that team members with defensible technical expertise evaluate all technical
areas of the review.
Determine whether any conflict of interest, actual or perceived, exists for any candidate or source of
candidates. If so, those candidates must be rejected from further consideration. A real conflict of
interest would exist for a contractor who has, previous to the ORR, provided direct support to a
facility in an area that will be reviewed during the ORR. For example, DOE has used mentors at
some facilities to assist in improving the conduct of operations at the facility. It would be
inappropriate for this contractor to be a part of the ORR team. A perceived conflict of interest could
exist when a contractor has provided indirect support to the facility or was an employee of the facility
at some other point in their career. An example of indirect support could be participation on a review
team evaluating facility safety basis documentation. The second case is self-explanatory. These
cases are more subjective, but the Team Leader should be sensitive to them and avoid them if
No individual directly or recently involved in the management or operation of a facility can
participate as a team member in his/her area of responsibility at the facility.
The development and management of the Assessment Forms and summaries is a prodigious task.
One person (the ORR Review Coordinator) should be dedicated to administering the Forms, e.g.,
logging in and tracking. This task is very time consuming once Forms begin being turned in and
increases as the ORR progresses. In addition, at least one other person, and a word processor, should
be dedicated to editing the Forms. Consideration should be given to bringing in supplemental editing
staff toward the close of the ORR. A significant amount of copying is required at the close of the
ORR for the Exit Briefing and any copies of the draft Final Report to be left at the site.
Concurrent with the above tasks, work with the site point-of-contact to identify counterparts. A
counterpart is an individual designated by the site to assist in coordinating the ORR team's activities.
Each ORR team member should have a counterpart for each functional area under evaluation.
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