| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
Open item. A validated situation involving: apparent contradictions from different source documents;
concerns; unanswered technical questions; or cases of missing, undocumented, or inaccurate information.
Physical Configuration. Physical configuration means the actual physical location, arrangement, and
material condition of structures, systems, and components within a facility.
Programmatic or Technical Issues. Programmatic or Technical Issues for configuration management are
those important issues that might need to be resolved, or partially resolved, in order to complete the
configuration management planning process.
Reactor. Reactor means any apparatus that is designed or used to sustain nuclear chain reactions in a
controlled manner such as research, test, and power reactors, and critical and pulsed assemblies and any
assembly that is designed to perform subcritical experiments that could potentially reach criticality; and,
unless modified by words such as containment, vessel, or core, refers to the entire facility, including the
housing, equipment and associated areas devoted to the operation and maintenance of one or more reactor
cores. (10 CFR Part 830)
Safety-class structures, systems, and components. Safety-class structures, systems, and components are the
structures, systems, or components, including portions of process systems, whose preventive or mitigative
functions are necessary to limit radioactive hazardous material exposure to the public, as determined from
safety analyses. (10 CFR Part 830)
Safety Design Requirements. Those design requirements that are necessary to protect off-site, on-site, and
facility personnel from nuclear hazards and other hazards, such as sulfuric acid and chlorine. Safety design
requirements include those necessary to satisfy DOE safety requirements.
Safety management program. The safety management program is a program designed to ensure a facility is
operated in a manner that adequately protects workers, the public, and the environment by covering topics
such as: quality assurance; maintenance of safety systems; personnel training; conduct of operations;
inadvertent criticality protection; emergency preparedness; fire protection; waste management; and
radiological protection of workers, the public, and the environment. (10 CFR Part 830)
Safety Management System (SMS). Safety management system means an integrated safety management
system established consistent with 48 CFR 970.5223-1. (10 CFR Part 830)
Safety-significant structures, systems and components. Safety-significant structures, systems, and
components are the structures, systems, and components that are not designated as safety class structures,
systems, and components, but whose preventive or mitigative functions are a major contributor to defense
in depth and/or worker safety as determined from safety analyses. (10 CFR Part 830)
Safety structures, systems, and components. Safety structures, systems, and components are both safety-
class structures, systems, and components and safety-significant structures, systems, and components.
(10 CFR Part 830)
Smart search. A process through which that set of documents that are most likely to contain design
requirements are identified, retrieved and evaluated. Key steps involve location of the source documents
most likely to contain design requirements, screening them for applicability, and reviewing them to extract
design information.
SSC grade. A measure of the importance of SSCs within the facility based on the most important design
requirements applicable to the SSC that can be used to determine priorities and proper levels of attention
and resource allocations. An example of SSC grades and associated priorities is: (1) safety, (2)
environmental, (3) mission, and (4) others.
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