| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
This appendix contains sample formats for change control packages and change travelers
on the following pages. The first, entitled "Example Change Control Package," was
developed using information from change travelers used at different DOE sites and
facilities. It illustrates the types of information typically contained on a change traveler,
the steps normally taken in the change control process, and the formality of the process
and is based on expected contents of a change control package to meet the guidance in
Chapter 6 of this standard.
The second example, entitled "Design Change Traveler," is based on the Los Alamos
(LANL) TA-55 Procedure NMT*-FMP-803, Change control for Facility SSCs. The third
example, entitled Plant Modification Traveler Content, is based on the Savannah River
Site Manual E7 Procedure 2.05, rev. 3.
Contractors are not required to use the example change control packages, nor are they
required to meet any of the statements in the examples. The last two examples were
developed by individual contractors to use at their sites. These examples are provided in
this appendix for information only to assist contractors in developing their own change
control packages. Contractors may use these or other forms of change control packages
as appropriate. Contractors should not assume that by using these examples they are
assured that the change control process is complete. Furthermore, these examples contain
terms that may not be up-to-date, such as SAR or Safety Analysis Report, instead of
DSA, as well as terms and actions that may not be used or appropriate at every site. In
addition, these examples may not contain all of the steps necessary to meet the change
control process at some sites or facilities.
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