| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management Appropriate Levels of Management Review
The configuration management process should specify the expectations for a
management review of proposed changes. The configuration management process may
specify different levels of management review for changes based on a documented
graded approach. The managers at the lowest authorized level should normally perform
the management review, in order to reduce the time needed to process the proposed
change. However, it is important that the appropriate level of management in affected
organizations are aware of pending changes and are actively involved in their review and
approval. Consequently, it may be advantageous in some situations to elevate the
management review to a higher level of management to facilitate implementation of the
change when it is approved. Clear Documentation
Change control packages must be provided for the management review. The packages
should be complete and easy to use and understand.
5.3.3 Performing USQ Reviews
The USQ process was established to allow contractors to make changes without prior
approval from DOE, provided those changes do not explicitly or implicitly affect the
safety basis of the facility or activity. The configuration management process should
specifically state that the DOE-approved USQ procedure must be consulted for all
proposed changes and implemented whenever required by the 10 CFR Part 830 or the
DOE-approved USQ process. If the USQ review determines that the change involves a
USQ, then DOE approval is required before implementing the change. Additional
guidance on the USQ process can be found in DOE G 424.1-1.
5.3.4 Performing Other Reviews
In addition to the design, management, and USQ reviews, the following reviews should
be considered and performed, where appropriate:
peer review
cost and benefit review
maintenance and reliability review
review of the impact on the operations schedule
reviews required by regulatory or contract requirements.
facility walkdown (a sample procedure for conducting a walkdown is provided in
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