| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
Contractors must establish and use a formal change control process as part of the
configuration management process. The objective of change control is to maintain
consistency among design requirements, the physical configuration, and the related
facility documentation, even as changes are made. The change control process is used to
ensure changes are properly reviewed and coordinated across the various organizations
and personnel responsible for activities and programs at the nuclear facility.
Through the change control process, contractors must ensure that:
changes are identified and assessed through the change control process,
changes receive appropriate technical and management review to evaluate the
consequences of the change,
changes are approved or disapproved,
waivers and deviations are properly evaluated and approved or denied and the
technical basis for the approval or the denial is documented,
approved changes are adequately and fully implemented or the effects of the
partial implementation are evaluated and accepted,
implemented changes are properly assessed to ensure the results of the changes
agree with the expectations, and
documents are revised consistent with the changes and the revised documents are
provided to the users.
A diagram of the change control functions is provided in Figure 5-1.
Identifying Changes
5.1.1 Identifying Change Mechanisms
The contractor must ensure that each proposed change to the facility, activity, or
operation is considered for processing through the change control process. To ensure that
all changes are controlled as appropriate, the contractor must identify all mechanisms that
can lead to temporary or permanent changes in:
the design requirements,
the physical configuration, or
the documentation.
For any facility, activity, or operation there are typically multiple mechanisms for
initiating change. Changes may be initiated through any of a variety of organizations,
such as design, operations, maintenance, procurement, procedures, training, and security.
Changes can include physical, document, procedural, operations, software, or design
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