| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
6.3.3 Controlled Document Distribution List
Contractors should establish and maintain controlled document distribution lists. The
lists should identify both the documents that are to be controlled and the individuals who
are holders of copies of those documents ("controlled document users," or as identified in
10 CFR Part 830, Appendix A, paragraph G.5, the "authorized users list"). The
document owner should determine the list of controlled document users to be included on
the controlled document list. The distribution list should include any satellite document
distribution centers. To ensure they are included on the distribution list for revised
documents, controlled document users should inform the document owners of their need
for specific documents. Whenever a document is superseded by a new revision, a copy
of the new revision must be sent to each controlled document user of the document.
6.3.4 Identification of Proposed Changes
The organization responsible for document control should be notified of any need to
change a document as soon as that need is identified and approved, typically through the
change control or work control processes. A DCN may be used for this purpose. The
organization responsible for document control should provide a receipt acknowledging
the notification that a document should be changed. The organization responsible for
document control should take the appropriate action to update the document and record
the status in the document control database.
6.3.5 Major Vs. Minor Document Changes
The contractor should specifically identify in the change control process what constitutes
a minor change (e.g., inconsequential, editorial corrections). Major changes to controlled
documents are any changes that are not defined as minor changes. Major changes to
controlled documents must be reviewed and approved by the document owners. The
configuration management process may specify a simpler review for minor changes.
6.3.6 Notification of Pending Changes
Pending changes are changes that have been approved for which the associated
documents have not yet been updated and distributed. The organization responsible for
document control should provide notice of pending changes to the controlled document
users for the applicable documents. A notice of the pending change should also be
attached to, or appropriately referenced on, the affected master document, in order to alert
anyone requesting a copy of the document.
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