| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
Defining the Scope of CM SSCs
In order to assess the impact a change will have to an activity, the contractor must first
understand the design requirements of the activity. These design requirements must be
identified and documented, and changes to them must be controlled.
However, configuration management requires resources to implement and, therefore,
should not be applied indiscriminately. Some changes, such as plumbing upgrades to a
restroom or the relocation of a storage shed for yard maintenance that do not impact
safety or mission-required SSCs may not need the more stringent controls required for
systems necessary to ensure safety. The contractor should identify and document the set
of SSCs for an activity that will be managed through the configuration management
process. This set is referred to as the CM SSCs throughout this standard. The CM SSCs
are compiled from several sets of SSCs. These sets may overlap.
The first set of SSCs that must be included in the CM SSCs for hazard category 1, 2, and
3 nuclear facilities is the set of Safety SSCs identified in the DSA as required by
10 CFR 830.204(b)(1). Safety SSCs are defined as the combination of Safety-Class
SSCs and Safety-Significant SSCs, and they include those SSCs whose preventive or
mitigative functions are considered to be major contributors to defense-in-depth and
worker safety. "Defense-in-depth" refers to the various layers of protection provided to
ensure public safety, worker safety, and protection of the environment. The safety SSCs
identified in the DSA constitute the baseline set of SSCs that must be included in the
configuration management process.
In addition, contractors should include in the set of CM SSCs the SSCs whose functions
are considered to be important to defense-in-depth or worker safety, but are not already
included in the Safety SSCs. The combination of the Safety SSCs and the other defense-
in-depth SSCs should encompass the "vital safety systems." The vital safety systems
include the safety significant systems, the safety class systems, and other systems that
perform an important defense-in-depth safety function. Additional information on vital
safety systems is available in documents responding to Defense Nuclear Facilities Board
(DNFSB) Recommendation 2000-2 and at http://www.deprep.org/vss/default.asp.
The contractor should also review the activity to determine if it is appropriate to include
other SSCs in the set of CM SSCs. Other categories of SSCs that should be considered
include the following:
Mission critical SSCs - SSCs whose failure could cause substantial interruption to
the mission of the facility or activity;
Environmental protection SSCs - SSCs that could have a significant impact on the
environment if they failed to perform their function;
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