| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
E&H Review Requires completion of a checklist to determine if hazardous
materials (radionuclides, biological hazards, carcinogens, toxic gases, etc.), their
transportation, decontamination activities, or generation of waste are involved. If
so, the appropriate site organizations/committees are notified.
Other Topical reviews (ALARA, Training, Security, OSHA) Similar to ES&H
reviews, the appropriate committees are notified if the modified/impacted SSCs
involve these specialized topical areas.
Design Approval
Change Control Board (CCB) Approval Required at Configuration Management
Office (CMO) discretion, when the DCP is large of complex or significantly
impacts operation, or involves a line item project.
Facility Safety Review Committee (FSRC) Approval Required whenever a
positive USQ is involved, or at CMO discretion.
User Approval (Required if desired by user)
CMO Approval (always required)
Facility Manager (FM) Approval (always required)
Release for Construction
Verifies that MDL has been updated to reflect all pending changes to affected design
Construction, Test, and Document
Consists of a checklist to verify that the DCP is complete prior to releasing the change to
the user. Verifies construction in complete, that Work Orders are attached, that post-
modification testing is complete and that the results are acceptable, that the design
document index is complete and updated, that design drawings have been red-lined to
reflect as-built conditions, that all pre-operational requirements have been completed, that
glovebox certification is complete if required, and all Field Change Requests (FCRs), if
any, are complete, and attached (with red-lined drawings where applicable).
Release to User
CCB Approval Required if substantial changes were made since prior CCB
approval, or was made a condition by the CCB during their prior review.
FSRC Approval Required for positive USQDs, and where required by the FSRC
as a condition of their approval.
CMO Approval (always required)
User Acceptance for Use (always required)
FM Release to User (always required)
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