| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
Design Change Traveler
(Example based on LANL/TA-55 Procedure
NMT8-FMP-803, Change Control for Facility SSCs)
Initiate Design Change Package (DCP)
This section provides general background information concerning the DCP, specifically:
Unique Identification Number (DCP-YR-Sequential # - Rev#)
Title and brief description of change
System Grade [safety-class (SC), safety-significant (SS), mission class (MC),
balance-of-plant (BOP)]
Consequence of Failure (COF) Category (M1, M2, M3)
Cognizant engineer and organization
Design engineer and organization
Design reviewer and organization
Required technical discipline reviews (air monitoring, architectural, criticality,
electrical, fire protection, gas systems, gloveboxes, health physics, HVAC,
mechanical, seismic, waste, other)
Develop Design and Design Documentation
This section of the traveler identifies the required design documents and safety analyses
that are to become part of the DCP:
Design Document Index (always required) Lists all design documents
(including drawings, figures, calculations, specifications, etc.) developed or
revised in support of the change. This information is used to ensure all required
documentation is completed, the Master Document List (MDL) is updated, and
the Field Change Requests (FCRs) logged.
Detailed Design (required for SC/SS SSC and Title 1 changes) Describes the
purpose of the change, the design basis and design criteria for the change, the
functional and performance requirements for the change, all other system topical
area requirements (e.g., electrical, structural), applicable codes and standards,
description of the design and all interfaces, and a listing of applicable references
(studies, reports, supporting documents) used to develop the design.
Installation Instructions (required for high risk or complex installations)
Identifies prerequisites for field installation, such as compensatory measures,
operating modes, equipment required to be operable, work permits, etc. Also
identifies precautions to be taken such as LO/TO and other personnel safety
precautions, situations to avoid, special instructions, QC hold points, and steps
that require independent verifications, sign off or initials.
Post-Modification Testing (required for all SC/SS/MC SSCs) Specifies all post-
modification testing, inspections, and examinations required to verify that the
modified/impacted SSCs satisfy their design and functional requirements and
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