| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
exposure and aging on elastomeric materials, such as rubber O-rings and Teflon
Design Constraints are those general restrictions and limits to the engineering
design process that ensure consistency and quality of design (such as general
codes and standards, general regulatory commitments, quality assurance
requirements, engineering procedures and good practices, and adopted design
methodologies). In comparison to design inputs, design constraints are general in
nature; they apply to multiple classes and categories of designs and, therefore, to
many designs. For example, a design constraint for a safety system might be that
it will be able to accomplish its assigned safety function in the event of a single
Design Analysis and Calculations are those intermediate design products that are
necessary to convert the design inputs and constraints into appropriate and
complete design outputs. Design analysis and calculations consist of a wide
variety of engineering analyses, calculations, studies, reports, and technical
review checklists necessary to perform complete engineering design. Design
analyses and calculation capture the design assumptions and identify the available
design margin. The design margin is the conservatism between the specified
design requirement and the minimum requirement that could be developed from
the design basis. Examples of design analysis and calculations are:
transient analyses,
criticality analyses,
seismic stress calculations and analyses,
Equipment sizing calculations,
net positive suction head calculations, and
engineering evaluations of equipment qualifications and fire protection.
3.3.2 Design Output
Figure 3-4 also illustrates the design output documents, which are the products of the
design process that specify the design output requirements for the facility or activity
SSCs. The design output requirements are the composite result of the engineering
organization's consideration of the design inputs, design constraints, and design analysis
and calculations. Design output requirements specify that which is essential to support
the design basis, e.g., the necessary functions, capabilities, capacities, physical sizes and
dimensions, limits and setpoints. The design output requirements include the functional
requirements, as well as procurement requirements, quality assurance requirements,
construction/installation specifications and instructions, post-installation testing, post-
maintenance testing, and periodic surveillance/testing requirements. In some cases, the
design output requirements are also referred to as the "as designed conditions." The
design output documents identify the design requirements that dictate the physical
configuration of the facility. Design output requirements best support the configuration
management process objectives when they are documented in a format amenable for
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