| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
assigned a higher priority. The second column lists special situations and circumstances
that are independent of relative importance.
In all of the discussions on grading in this standard, where the term "facility" is used it
pertains to activities and operations, as well as the traditional use of the term facility (i.e.,
3.10.1 Grading Based on Facility Hazard Category
Facility grading for DOE nuclear facilities is performed using DOE STD 1027, Hazard
Categorization and Accident Analysis Techniques for Compliance with DOE Order
5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports. DOE STD 1027 provides the process for
grading DOE nuclear facilities into hazard category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities where
Hazard category 1 nuclear facilities have the potential for significant off-site
Hazard category 2 nuclear facilities have the potential for significant on-site
consequences beyond localized consequences.
Hazard category 3 nuclear facilities have the potential for only local significant
Contractors may develop a configuration management process that recognizes the need to
impose greater requirements to ensure the configuration management for hazard
category 1 nuclear facilities than hazard category 2 or 3 nuclear facilities, based upon
their relative risks.
3.10.2 Grading Based on SSC Importance
The Nuclear Safety Management rule, 10 CFR Part 830, defines Safety SSCs as
containing both Safety Class SSCs and Safety Significant SSCs. In addition, Vital Safety
Systems may include safety systems that are important to defense-in-depth, but may not
be included in the set of Safety SSCs identified for the facility. These sets (i.e., Safety
Class SSCs, Safety Significant SSCs and Vital Safety Systems not part of the Safety
SSCs), define the relative importance of the SSCs. Additional information on classifying
these sets of SSCs can be found in the following DOE guidance documents and standards
for safety bases:
DOE G 421.1-2, Implementation Guide for Use in Developing Documented Safety
Analyses for Subpart B of 10 CFR 830
DOE G 423.1-1, Implementation Guide for Use in Developing Technical Safety
DOE G 424.1-1, Implementation Guide for Use in Developing Unreviewed Safety
Question Requirements
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