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Configuration Management
System Engineer develops resident technical expertise and facility knowledge, centralizes
resolution of SSC performance problems for more timely and effective response, and
interfaces between the facility operations and maintenance organizations and the design
engineering organization. The Cognizant System Engineer concept benefits
configuration management as well as many other facility activities including facility
status and troubleshooting, operations support, coordination of testing and other system-
related activities, and communication among departments.
As discussed in Chapter 3 of this standard, DOE O 420.1A, Facility Safety, requires
contractors to designate a Cognizant System Engineer for each system for DOE Category
1, 2, or 3 nuclear facilities. The duties, responsibilities, and interfaces of each Cognizant
System Engineer need to be clearly defined, documented, communicated to and
understood by supporting facility organizations. To facilitate the change control process,
each Cognizant System Engineer should perform the following functions:
monitor and track the status of the assigned system, especially during changes
(e.g., physical changes in progress and temporary physical changes);
conduct and/or observe equipment performance monitoring, evaluating the results
of performance monitoring and surveillance, trending important data, and
initiating corrective actions;
review and approve post-modification, post-maintenance, surveillance, and
special test procedures and test results;
provide assistance to operations and maintenance, as needed; and
identify any situation where the design engineering organization should be
consulted for advice or services.
Finally, the technical review team must include someone who has demonstrated
competence in the area of the change and who understands the design and system
requirements and functions.
Reviewers may meet to consider the change concurrently or they may be sent the
proposed change to review and provide comments or approval to a central coordinator. If
a change is made to the proposal as a result of either the technical or management review,
the reviewers should be given an opportunity to review the change and reaffirm or retract
their approval of the proposed change. Some DOE sites and facilities use Change
Control Boards (CCBs) to conduct all or part of the technical evaluation of changes. Identification of Affected Documents
Once it is determined that a proposed change can be made, either within the defined
design requirements or within new or revised design requirements, each affected
document must be identified. This includes the documents that are directly affected by
the change, such as drawings, as well as indirectly affected documents such as the DSA,
hazard controls, training information, procedures, and systems drawings.

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