| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
Program for DOE Nuclear Facilities, the Cognizant System Engineer has the lead
responsibility for the configuration management of design.
The Cognizant System Engineer must be knowledgeable of the system and the related
safety basis. The Cognizant System Engineer must also retain a working knowledge of
the facility's operation and the existing condition of the system. Consequently, the
Cognizant System Engineer is also responsible for overseeing the configuration of the
assigned system to ensure that it continues to be able to perform its expected functions.
The Cognizant System Engineer should:
be knowledgeable of the system safety functions, requirements, and performance
criteria and their bases;
understand how the system SSCs are designed and how they function to meet the
requirements and performance criteria;
understand system operation;
be knowledgeable of the testing and maintenance necessary to ensure the system
continues to be able to perform its safety functions;
be responsible for ensuring that documents related to the system are complete,
accurate, and up-to-date, including SDDs, technical drawings, diagrams, and
procedures for surveillance, testing, and maintenance;
be appropriately involved in the design, review, and approval of changes
affecting/impacting system design, operation, and maintenance.
Because the Cognizant System Engineers are expected to have a thorough understanding
of system design expectations, operating requirements, and current configuration, the
Cognizant System Engineers should have a major role in identifying the CM SSCs. Each
Cognizant System Engineer should also participate in the identification of the design
requirements for their system and the SSCs within the system. Finally, the Cognizant
System Engineer should participate in the configuration management review of any
changes that are made to the system for which the Cognizant System Engineer has
cognizance responsibility.
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