| DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
The technical management review process may include the following methods of
assessing completeness:
certification of conformance with specified industry codes and standards that
identify expected design requirements;
comparisons of like design requirements for comparable components;
comparisons of like design basis for comparable design requirements;
review of design information to identify CM SSCs with missing or incomplete
design requirements;
review of open items and discrepancies that have not been resolved; and
review by independent, external, technical experts.
The review team should determine if any essential design information is missing. The
team should also correlate the design basis with the design requirements, the physical
configuration, and the documentation to get insight into the completeness and accuracy of
the existing information. A template or checklist may be used as a tool to help verify that
the design requirements are complete. This approach involves making a list of the typical
types of design requirements for various types of SSCs. The template should be
comprehensive and include both the expected and possible design requirements and
design basis. This template would then be compared to the list of design requirements
available for the structure, system, or component. If something on the list is not included
in the design requirements, the team may question the basis for the omission or request
that the design requirement be added. Because the template was developed broadly, it
will not be unusual for the template to include more design parameters than are
applicable to a particular structure, system, or component. Furthermore, the template
should not be relied upon as a complete list for every case. The template should be used
only as a tool to help the user to notice design requirements that may be missing, and it is
not a substitute for good technical judgment. For example, a template for a piping system
might include:
system and component design descriptions or specification,
basic flow diagrams,
layout and arrangement diagrams,
isometric diagrams,
support details,
testing requirements,
material certifications,
pipe sizing/flow calculations,
minimum wall thickness calculations,
corrosion/erosion allowances,
certification of conformance with piping standards [such as American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) B31.3],
system interface requirements,
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