| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
After identifying which specific documents need to be controlled, the following
information on each document should be recorded in the document databases to facilitate
tracking and control:
document type,
unique document number (document control number),
document uses and priority,
document owner,
revision level,
current status (approved, draft, cancelled, superseded, etc.),
information regarding pending changes, and
other information needed for control and tracking, such as location and
outstanding Document Change Notices (DCNs).
This information should be retained in an easily retrievable manner. Selected document
information should also be entered into the configuration management equipment
database to establish a cross-reference or link between configuration management
systems and components and the associated documents.
As new documents are generated, they should be reviewed for inclusion in the controlled
document database. One factor to consider in determining if a document should be
controlled is whether the new document supports a CM SSC. The appropriate data on the
document should be entered into the controlled document database with the appropriate
data fields completed. The completeness and accuracy of the controlled document
database is essential to the control and tracking and the retrieval functions of document
In order to ensure that the efforts and resources of document control are appropriately
focused, contractors should review the list of controlled documents periodically and
strive to consolidate and reduce the volume of controlled documents.
Storing Documents
The objective of temporary and long-term storage facilities for documents is to preclude
damage or loss from deterioration, larceny, or vandalism. The methods of storage should
be based on the particular characteristics of the document. Special consideration should
be given to light-, pressure-, or temperature-sensitive documents (e.g., radiographs,
photographs, film) consistent with applicable industry standards. Contractors should
assign specific individuals the responsibility to ensure those records (active and inactive)
and other documents are protected, preserved, and stored such that they can be retrieved
within defined retrieval times. A central document control organization may be assigned
these storage responsibilities.
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