| DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
7.3.1 Walkdowns
During walkdowns, the as-found configuration is identified by comparing the existing
physical configuration with the facility documentation to identify any discrepancies,
typically by marking up the documents. Walkdowns are sometimes conducted to:
Record manufacturers' nameplate data from equipment,
Identify missing or incorrect equipment labeling,
Determine the present material condition of equipment, and
Identify potential physical interactions between equipment (such as non-
seismically qualified equipment mounted in such a position as to impact
seismically qualified equipment during an earthquake).
A sample walkdown procedure is provided in Appendix G.
7.3.2 Resolution of Configuration and Documentation Discrepancies
The resolution of configuration and documentation discrepancies involves:
determining the actual physical configuration that exists at a point in time,
identifying any discrepancies with the facility documentation, and
technically resolving those discrepancies.
In some cases, discrepancies arise simply because the facility documentation is
incomplete or inaccurate in some detail. In other cases, discrepancies arise because
inadequately controlled hardware changes caused the physical configuration to become
different from the facility documentation. The level of detail of a particular facility
document type establishes the threshold of the corrections that need to be made. If a
facility document provides, or is intended to provide, information that does not agree
with the actual physical configuration, those discrepancies should be identified and
resolved. Leaving incorrect or unverified information on a document is likely to mislead
users of the document. Further, any information that is left on as-found documents and
has not been verified should be clearly identified. If the contractor is made aware of an
as-found discrepancy, the contractor should perform a technical review to determine if
the physical configuration is the desired configuration (in accordance with design
requirements) or if the facility documentation indicates the appropriate configuration (the
physical configuration needs to be changed to meet design requirements). In some cases,
the resolution of a discrepancy might be to establish the acceptability of the existing
physical configuration and change the design requirements. The design authority should
approve the discrepancy resolution (i.e., design verification) to ensure that the final
configuration is consistent with the design requirements. Changes to either the physical
configuration or the documentation should be tracked through a design change document.
The end product of the resolution of configuration and documentation discrepancies is
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