| DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Conduct of Radiological Work
June 2004
Appendix 3C
Contamination Control Practices
Selection of Protective Clothing (PC)
Workers should inspect protective clothing prior to use for tears, holes, or split seams that would diminish
protection. Any defective items should be replaced with intact protective clothing.
Protective clothing as prescribed by the radiological work permit should be selected based on the contamination
level in the work area, the anticipated work activity, worker health considerations, area(s) of the body likely to be
exposed to removable contamination, and regard for non-radiological hazards that may be present. Table 3-1
provides general guidelines for selection. As referenced in the table, a full set and double set of protective clothing
typically includes:
Full Set of PCs
a. Coveralls
b. Cotton glove liners
c. Gloves
d. Shoe covers
e. Rubber overshoes
Double Set of PCs
a. Two pairs of coveralls
b. Cotton glove liners
c. Two pairs of gloves
d. Two pairs of shoe covers
e. Rubber overshoes
Cotton glove liners may be worn inside standard gloves for comfort, but should not be worn alone or considered as
a layer of protection.
Shoecovers and gloves should be sufficiently durable for the intended use. Leather or canvas work gloves should
be worn in lieu of or in addition to standard gloves for work activities requiring additional strength or abrasion
Use of industrial safety equipment, such as hard hats, in contamination, high contamination, and airborne
radioactivity areas should be controlled by the radiological work permit. Reusable industrial safety equipment
designated for use in such areas should be distinctly colored or marked.
Shoe covers and gloves should be secured or taped at the coverall legs and sleeves when necessary to prevent
worker contamination. Tape should be tabbed to permit easy removal.
Supplemental pocket or electronic dosimeters should be worn outside the protective clothing, in a manner
accessible to the worker. Workers should protect such dosimeters from contamination by placing them in an outer
coverall pocket or in plastic bags or pouches.
Outer personal clothing should not be worn under protective clothing for entry to high contamination areas or
during work conditions requiring a double set of protective clothing.
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