| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Conduct of Radiological Work
June 2004
PART 1 Planning Radiological Work
311 General
DOE regulations for occupational radiation protection require written authorizations to control access to and work
in radiological areas [see 835.501(d)]. The level of detail included in such authorizations is dependent upon facility
hazards and the nature of the work force. Technical requirements for the conduct of work, including construction,
modifications, operations, maintenance, and decommissioning, should incorporate radiological criteria to ensure
safety and maintain radiation exposures ALARA. In general, efforts to reduce individual dose should not be
allowed to cause a concurrent increase in collective dose.
The primary methods used to maintain exposures ALARA shall be facility and equipment physical design features
[see 835.1001(a)]. Performance of certain activities, such as maintenance and modifications, may render
permanently installed physical design features inadequate. In such instances, a special subset of design features,
often referred to as engineering controls (e.g., temporary shielding, containment devices, and filtered ventilation
systems) should be used, as appropriate, to control individual exposures. Design criteria are discussed in Part 8 of
this Chapter.
When physical design features, including engineering controls, are impractical or inadequate, they shall be
augmented by administrative controls [see 835.1001(a) & (b)]. To accomplish this, the design and planning
processes should incorporate radiological control considerations in the early planning stages. The checklist in
Appendix 3A is helpful in reducing occupational radiation exposure.
To ensure adequate protection of the work force, planning for radiological work should also include consideration
of all other workplace hazards (e.g., industrial hygiene and safety, fire safety, electrical safety), consistent with the
principles of Integrated Safety Management as discussed in Article 118.
312 Planning for Maintenance, Operations, and Modifications
Maintenance and modification plans and procedures should be reviewed to identify and incorporate radiological
control requirements, such as engineering controls and dose and contamination reduction considerations.
Performance of this review should be the responsibility of line management, with support and concurrence from the
radiological control organization. Where hazards are significant this review should be performed by a multi-
disciplinary team preparing the work control procedure
The radiological hazard assessment and control process should be integrated with the processes used to assess and
control other workplace hazards. DOE Order 440.1A, Worker Protection Management for DOE Federal and
Contractor Employees, and its associated guidance documents provide requirements and guidance for performing
hazards assessments and implementing associated controls.
For routine tasks, such as surveillance, tours, and minor non-radiological maintenance, performance of the above
review and documentation of identified radiological protection requirements may be conducted as part of the
radiological work permit process (see Article 321) or other work authorization development process that may be
required by 835.501(d).
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