| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Standards
June 2004
PART 3 Posting
231 General Posting Provisions
Radiological postings are intended to alert individuals to the presence of radiation and radioactive materials and to
aid them in controlling exposures and preventing the spread of contamination. Boundaries used for radiological
control purposes are depicted in Figure 2-1.
Signs shall contain the standard radiation symbol (radiation warning trefoil) colored magenta or black on a yellow
background [see 835.601(a)]. Lettering should be either magenta or black. Magenta is the preferred color.
Standardized signs, as described in DOE's core training and 10 CFR 835 Guides, should be used where practicable.
Signs shall be conspicuously posted at each access point [see 835.601, 603], clearly worded, and, where
appropriate, may include radiological control instructions [see 835.601(b)]. Radiological postings should be
displayed only to signify actual or potential radiological conditions. Signs used for training should be clearly
marked, such as "For Training Purposes Only."
Posted areas should be as small as practicable for efficiency.
Postings should be maintained in a legible condition and updated based upon the results of the most recent surveys.
If more than one radiological condition (such as contamination and high radiation) exists in the same area, each
condition shall be identified [see 835.603].
In areas of ongoing work activities, the dose rate and contamination level or range of each should be included on or
in conjunction with each posting as applicable.
Postings at entrance points to areas of ongoing work activities controlled for radiological purposes should state
basic entry requirements, such as dosimetry, radiological work permit (RWP) or other written authorization, and
respiratory protection requirements.
Rope, tape, chain, and similar barriers used to designate the boundaries of posted areas should be yellow and
magenta in color.
10. Physical barriers should be placed so that they are clearly visible from all directions and at various elevations. They
should not be easily walked over or under, except at identified access points. These barriers shall be set up such
that they do not impede the intended use of emergency exits or evacuation routes [see 835.501(e), 502(d)].
11. Areas shall be clearly and conspicuously posted [see 835.601(b)]. Posting of doors should be such that the postings
remain visible when doors are open or closed.
12. A radiological posting that signifies the presence of an intermittent radiological condition should include a
statement specifying when the radiation is present, such as "CAUTION: RADIATION AREA WHEN RED LIGHT
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