| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radioactive Materials
June 2004
PART 3 Sealed Radioactive Source Controls
431 Sealed Radioactive Source Controls
Sealed radioactive sources having activities equal to or exceeding the values specified in Appendix 4A [see 835.2(a)] are
considered accountable sealed radioactive sources.
Written procedures should be established and implemented to control accountable sealed radioactive sources.
These procedures should establish requirements for source acquisition, receipt, storage, transfer, inventory, leak
testing, and usage.
Accountable sealed sources and all other sealed radioactive sources having activities exceeding one tenth of the
Appendix 4A values, or their storage containers, shall be labeled with the radiation symbol and "CAUTION" or
"DANGER" and "RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL" [see 835.605]. The label shall also provide sufficient
information to control exposures [see 835.605]. Because of the wide variety of labels that are affixed to sealed
radioactive sources by their manufacturers, these labels are excepted from the normal color scheme of magenta or
black on yellow [see 835.606(b)]. If the size or configuration of the source precludes application of a suitable label,
the label should be attached to the source container or mechanism.
Each accountable sealed radioactive source shall be inventoried at intervals not to exceed six months [see
835.1202(a)]. This inventory shall [see 835.1202(a)]:
Establish the physical location of each accountable sealed radioactive source.
Verify that the associated posting and labeling are adequate
Establish that storage locations, containers, and devices are adequate
Each accountable sealed radioactive source shall be subject to a source leak test upon receipt, when damage is
suspected and at intervals not to exceed six months [see 835.1202(b)]. Source leak tests shall be capable of
detecting radioactive material leakage equal to or exceeding 0.005 Ci (as indicated by the presence of 0.005 Ci or
more activity on the leak test sample) [see 835.1202(b)].
Periodic leak tests need not be performed if the source has been documented to have been removed from service.
Such sources shall be stored in a controlled location and subject to periodic inventory in accordance with Article
431.3 and subject to leak testing prior to being returned to service [see 835.1202(c)].
If a source is located in an area that is unsafe for human entry or otherwise inaccessible, (such as due to operational
or environmental constraints), then periodic inventories and leak tests need not be performed [see 835.1202(d)].
When the conditions that restrict access to the area have been terminated, the inventory and integrity test should be
performed before allowing uncontrolled access to the area.
If an accountable sealed radioactive source is found to be leaking radioactive material, then controls shall be
established to prevent the escape of radioactive material to the workplace [see 835.1202(e)]. These controls should
include wrapping or containing the source, applying appropriate labels, and removing the source from service.
Both accountable and non-accountable sealed radioactive sources shall be used, handled, and stored in a manner
commensurate with the hazards associated with the operations involving the sources [see 835.1201].
Sealed radioactive sources having activities below one tenth of the Appendix 4A values should be labeled
consistent with Article 412 and should be periodically inventoried to ensure their retention and proper use and
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