| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Excellence in Radiological Control
June 2004
PART 5 DOE Management
151 Program Office
Secretarial Officers are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of radiological control programs for
activities under their cognizance, and are accountable for the quality and performance of radiological work
conducted at their assigned sites.
Each Secretarial Officer should designate an individual to be the Program Office focal point on radiological control
matters with the DOE Operations Offices and applicable Field Organization Managers, counterparts within DOE,
and the contractor organizations. This individual is referred to in this Standard as the Radiological Control Program
152 Operations Offices and Applicable Field Offices
Managers of Operations Offices and the Rocky Flats and Ohio Field Offices are responsible for the line
management function of conducting day-to-day management of contractor activities, including monitoring the
quality and performance of radiological work.
Managers of Operations Offices and the Rocky Flats and Ohio Field Offices should designate an individual to be
responsible for providing radiological control program assessments, interacting routinely with the Radiological
Control Program Advisors of the affected DOE Program Offices, assisting the DOE field line organization in the
use of this Standard, and interacting on a periodic basis with counterparts at other sites.
153 Department Policy
The Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health (EH) is responsible for promulgating and maintaining the
overall DOE policy and standards with respect to radiological health and safety. EH is also responsible for periodically
revising the Standard to make corrections or improvements to the document. Other DOE elements should rely upon
subject matter experts within EH for assistance on issues involving topics such as radiological health effects, health
physics, dosimetry, instrumentation, training, and radiological controls.
154 Department Independent Radiological Control Performance Oversight
EH carries out its responsibility to provide independent radiological control performance oversight, on behalf of the
Secretary of Energy, through various means, including the following:
Uses 10 CFR 835 as its basis document. To the extent that a DOE activity's documented radiation protection
program establishes commitments to the use of specific guidance documents, such as the 10 CFR 835 Guides (DOE
G 441 Series), this Standard, or consensus standards, to achieve compliance, these documents should also be used
as basis documents.
Assesses DOE Program, Operations, and applicable Field Office performance of their line management
responsibilities for implementing and maintaining radiological controls as detailed in the basis document(s).
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