| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radioactive Materials
June 2004
Exception Criteria
Items Typically Included*
All radioactive material in radiological areas and
Material is used, handled, or stored in radiological areas or
radioactive material areas. This exception should
radioactive material areas [see 835.606(a)(1)]
not be applied to items that have removable
contamination exceeding the Table 2-2 values that
is stored outside of contamination, high
contamination, or airborne radioactivity areas.
Material having a total quantity of radioactive material
Items having extremely low levels of radioactive
below one tenth of the Appendix 4A values [see
material content, such as low-activity sealed
radioactive sources, laundered personal protective
equipment and tools and equipment having low
levels of fixed contamination
Material that has been packaged, labeled, and marked in
Radioactive material packages awaiting shipment
accordance with the applicable (e.g., DOE or Department of
Transportation) radioactive material transportation
requirements [see 835.606(a)(3)]
Material that is inaccessible, or accessible only to
Material stored in locked areas or areas having
individuals authorized to handle or use them, or to work in
strict physical and administrative entry controls that
the vicinity [see 835.606(a)(4)]
preclude unauthorized entry.
Radioactive samples being handled or transported
by authorized personnel.
Material that is installed in manufacturing, process, or other
Piping, tanks, valves, instrument sensors, test
equipment [see 835.606(a)(5)]
sources, etc., that are installed in immobile sytems
Material that consists solely of nuclear weapons or their
Nuclear weapons components
components [see 835.606(a)(6)]
* Caution must be exercised to ensure that the listed items actually meet the criteria established in the first column.
Note - Caution should also be exercised to ensure that other applicable requirements (e.g., member of the public dose
limits [Table 2-1], training requirements [Table 3-1], ALARA requirements [Article 117], controlled area dose
expectation [Article 232]) will be met in the absence of radioactive material labels.
413 Radioactive Material Packaging
Radioactive material that is outside contamination, high contamination, or airborne radioactivity areas and is
confirmed or suspected of having removable radioactive contamination levels greater than Table 2-2 values should
be securely wrapped in plastic or placed in a closed container.
Radioactive material with sharp edges or projections should be taped or additionally protected to ensure package
Radioactive material with removable or potentially removable contamination levels in excess of 100 times Table 2-
2 values should have additional packaging controls such as double-wrapping or the use of plastic bags inside
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