| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Health Support Operations
June 2004
Routine bioassay monitoring methods and frequencies should be established for individuals who are likely to
receive intakes resulting in a committed effective dose equivalent greater than 100 millirem in a year. The technical
basis for the methods and frequency of bioassay monitoring should be documented.
Management should require termination bioassay monitoring when an individual who participated in the bioassay
program terminates employment or concludes work involving the potential for internal exposure. The number of
persons failing to achieve this monitoring should be reviewed periodically and should be used to determine whether
further efforts to get cooperation are warranted.
Bioassay analyses should also be performed when any of the following occurs:
Facial or nasal contamination is detected that indicates a potential for internal contamination exceeding any
monitoring threshold established in Article 521
Airborne monitoring indicates the potential for intakes exceeding 100 millirem committed effective dose
Upon direction of the radiological control organization when an intake is suspected.
Levels of intakes that warrant the consideration of medical intervention should be established for site-specific
radionuclides. The effectiveness of medical intervention, such as blocking or chelating agents, should be
documented using bioassay results.
A preliminary assessment of any intakes detected should be conducted prior to permitting an employee to return to
radiological work.
Internal dosimetry program personnel should use radionuclide standards from or traceable to the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST).
10. Internal dosimetry program personnel should participate in the conduct of inter-comparison studies and should use
the "DOE Phantom Library."
11. Bioassay programs implemented at the discretion of the contractor (i.e., for personnel monitoring that is not
required by Article 521.1) need not be accredited under the DOELAP Program. Programs implemented outside the
scope of the DOELAP Program should include:
Documented assessment of each individual's potential occupational exposure to support the decision to
operate outside the DOELAP Program.
Comprehensive monitoring of the areas that may be entered by these individuals to ensure that individual
doses are not likely to exceed the Article 521.1 monitoring thresholds.
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