| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Conduct of Radiological Work
June 2004
10 CFR 835 requires maintenance of records of actions taken to maintain doses ALARA; therefore, if pre-job
briefings are used for ALARA purposes, records of the briefings shall be maintained [see 835.704(b)]. A summary
of topics discussed and attendance at the pre-job briefing should be documented. This documentation should be
maintained with the technical work document.
325 Use of Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing
Individuals shall wear protective clothing during work in contamination and high contamination areas [see
835.1102(e)] and should wear protective clothing during the following activities:
Handling of contaminated materials with removable contamination in excess of Table 2-2 levels
Work in airborne radioactivity areas
As directed by the radiological control organization or as required by the RWP or other work authorization.
Protective clothing and shoes designated for radiological control should be:
Marked in accordance with Article 461
Used only for radiological control purposes.
Protective clothing dress-out areas should be established directly adjacent to the work area. Workers should
proceed directly to the radiological work area after donning personal protective equipment and clothing.
General guidelines for protective clothing selection and use are provided in Appendix 3C and in Table 3-1.
The use of labcoats as radiological protective clothing is appropriate for limited applications, such as those
discussed in Appendix 3C where the potential for personal contamination is limited to the hands, arms, and upper
front portion of the body. Labcoats should not be used as protective clothing for performing physical work
activities in contamination, high contamination, or airborne radioactivity areas.
Appropriate instructions for donning and removing protective clothing should be posted at the dress-out areas and
step-off pad(s) for the affected work areas.
The use of personal protective equipment or clothing (including respiratory protection) beyond that authorized by
the radiological control organization or other cognizant safety authorities detracts from work performance and is
contrary to ALARA principles and waste minimization practices. Such use should not be authorized.
For radiological control purposes, company-issued clothing that is not specifically intended to protect individuals
from contamination hazards, such as coveralls and shoes, should be considered the same as personal clothing.
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