| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Training and Qualification
March 2005
successfully completed other types of radiological control training. Documentation of previous training should
include the individual's name, date of training, topics covered, and name of the certifying official. However, under
these circumstances, any additional radiological control training necessary for the individuals to perform
radiological work or to enter specific areas, including site-specific aspects of the radiation safety training, shall be
completed [see 835.901(c)]. Site-specific training for General Employee Radiological Training and Radiological
Worker I and II training may be included with other site orientation training.
At sites where there are multiple facilities, the training may be facility-specific if personnel access is limited to
those facilities for which training has been completed.
613 General Provisions
Radiation safety training shall include the following topics, to the extent appropriate to each individual's prior
training, work assignments, and degree of exposure to potential radiological hazards:
Risks of exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, including prenatal radiation exposure [see
Basic radiological fundamentals and radiation protection concepts [see 835.901(c)(2)]
Controls, limits, policies, procedures, alarms, and other measures implemented at the facility to control doses,
including both routine and emergency actions [see 835.901(c)(3)]
Individual rights and responsibilities as related to implementation of the facility radiation protection program
[see 835.901(c)(4)]
Individual responsibilities for implementing ALARA measures [see 835.901(c)(5)]
Individual exposure reports that may be requested [see 835.901(c)(6)].
Prior to permitting an individual to enter a radiological area unescorted or perform unescorted radiological work,
training commensurate with the hazard in the area and required controls shall be completed [see 835.901(b)].
Chapter 3 provides guidance regarding the level of training appropriate for each defined area. Examinations and
performance demonstrations shall be used to demonstrate satisfactory completion of initial Radiological Worker
Training [see 835.901(b)]. Examinations shall be used to demonstrate satisfactory completion of biennial
Radiological Worker Training and Radiological Worker Training provided for significant changes to the
radiological control program [see 835.901(e)]. Examinations should be written; however, the radiological control
manager may approve alternatives to accommodate special needs. Alternative examinations should be equivalent in
content to written examinations. The examination process should require:
That true/false questions and open-book examinations not be included
Use of questions randomly selected from the question bank
Acknowledgment by signature that the student participated in a post-examination review
That competence in required skills be measured using performance-based examinations
Remedial actions for failure to meet the minimum score
That the question bank contain questions that test what the student is expected to remember months after the
training rather than to test short term memory of theoretical material.
Training should address both normal and abnormal situations in radiological control.
General Employee Radiological Training and Radiological Worker training shall be completed at intervals not to
exceed 24 months [see 835.901(e)]. This biennial training should not be limited subjects with which the students
are already familiar, but should focus on applicable lessons learned and topics that will increase the students'
knowledge of radiological hazards and controls. Training shall also be provided to affected individuals when there
is a significant change to the radiological control program [see 835.901(e)]. Changes to the radiological control
program should be incorporated into the training program on a periodic basis.
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